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SolvaySolvay logoSolvay is an international chemical Group that assists its industrial clients in finding and implementing ever more responsible and value-creating solutions. Solvay generates 90% of its net sales in activities where it is among the world’s top three players. It serves many markets, including energy and the environment, automotive and aeronautics, electrical and electronics. Solvay’s chemists seek to bring sustainable responses to the challenges facing our planet. The Group is headquartered in Brussels and employs about 26,000 people in 52 countries. In 2014, it generated 10.2 billion euros of net sales. Solvay SA is listed on Euronext in Brussels and Paris


Saint-Gobain, the world leader in the habitat and construction markets, designs, manufactures and distributes building and high-performance materials, providing innovative solutions to the challenges of growth, energy efficiency and environmental protection.

ACS Omega

ACS Omega logoACS Omega is a new multidisciplinary, online journal that represents a new approach from ACS Publications: a peer-reviewed open access venue for the publication of research articles of high scientific quality. With a focus on expedited editorial decision-making, authors can get their important research results published rapidly and distributed broadly to the global scientific community. Manuscripts are now accepted for a first issue launching during the summer 2016.


CEA logo

Acteur majeur de la recherche, du développement et de l'innovation, le Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives intervient dans le cadre de quatre missions : la défense et la sécurité, l'énergie nucléaire (fission et fusion), la recherche technologique pour l'industrie et la recherche fondamentale (sciences de la matière et sciences de la vie). S'appuyant sur une capacité d'expertise reconnue, le CEA participe à la mise en place de projets de collaboration avec de nombreux partenaires académiques et industriels.

Université de Bordeaux

université de bordeaux logoThe combined components of the College of Science and Technology welcomes students who work in the following fields: mathematics and applications, information technology, physics, engineering sciences, chemistry, biology and the earth and environmental sciences.


LOMA logo

Le Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d’Aquitaine, LOMA, est rattaché au CNRS et à l’Université de Bordeaux. Les activités du laboratoire visent à explorer et à caractériser les propriétés de la matière d’un point de vue fondamental et appliqué. Il dispose d’une visibilité internationale en “Physique de la matière condensée et de la matière molle”, “Photonique” et “Sciences des matériaux”. Cette pluridisciplinarité le place à la croisée des chemins entre physique, chimie, biologie et mathématiques, favorisant ainsi les liens entre recherche fondamentale et transfert technologique.


CRPP logo

The Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal (CRPP) is recognized for the development and characterization of complex systems, covering diverse areas of research from soft matter to advanced materials to the interface of physical chemistry and biology. These activities, mostly experimental, deal with the controlled formulation of molecular, supramolecular and colloidal assemblies, and their structural, physical and thermodynamical studies.The CRPP employs both CNRS researchers and professors of the University of Bordeaux, and is involved in the campus dynamics. It also takes part in many international collaborations and technology-oriented research contracts


LCPO logo

Since its creation in 1985, the Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques (LCPO) has been focusing its academic research in Polymer Science on the mechanisms of polymerization and macromolecular engineering. While these two domains are still the background of our activity, important projects are oriented towards the design of functional high value-added polymers and the study of their macroscopic properties for target applications, in particular in the domains of life sciences, energy and technology. Green and biomimetic synthetic approaches together with the understanding of structure/properties relationships are presenting the core of our scientific strategy.


 CNRS logo

The National Center for Scientific Research is a public organization under the responsibility of the French Ministry of  National Education, Higher Education and Research. A pluridisciplinary institution, it covers all scientific disciplines,  including the humanities and social sciences, biological sciences, nuclear and particle physics, information sciences, engineering and systems, physics, mathematical sciences, chemistry, Earth sciences and astronomy, ecology and the environment.
An interdisciplinary body, it promotes interaction between disciplines. With nearly 33,000 researchers, engineers and  technicians, the CNRS is organized around 10 Institutes which orchestrate its scientific policy, while its 19 divisions
represent it in the regions. The CNRS has a budget of approximately €3.3 billion. Its more than 1,100 research and service units, including some 95% in partnership with universities, higher education institutions and other research organizations, are present throughout France.

The JMC15 are supported by three CNRS institutes : Institute of Physique (INP), Institute of Chimie (INC) and Institute of engineering and systems (INSIS)

Société Française de Physique

SFP logo

Fondée en 1873, la Société Française de Physique est une association reconnue d'utilité publique dont la mission est de développer et faire rayonner la physique en France, en associant à son action les physiciens de notre pays. Elle crée du lien entre les physiciens et leur offre différents moyens d'action. Les acteurs et les membres de la SFP sont des bénévoles, chercheurs, professeurs et laboratoires de physique, ayant tous en commun la même passion de la physique et de sa promotion au sein de la société.



En étroite collaboration avec les organismes de recherche et les établissements partenaires du consortium IdEx Bordeaux, l’université de Bordeaux met en œuvre des programmes innovants en matière de recherche, formation et transfert des savoirs. Ces programmes sont financés par les revenus issus d’une dotation de 700 millions d’euros accordée à l’IdEx Bordeaux (Programme financé par l'ANR - n°ANR-10-IDEX-03-02). Ces fonds doivent être complétés par des investissements de partenaires et des ressources externes (appels à projets ANR ou européens, financements privés, etc.).


Labex AMADEus

Labex logo

The LabEx AMADEus (Advanced MAterials by DEsign) is a nationally-recognized major cluster in materials science, engineering and technology, carrying out scientific research and innovation at the interfaces of chemistry, physics, biology and engineering.
With its highly experienced research teams and the support of the University of Bordeaux, AMADEus aims at major break-throughs in three main fields; (i) Organic electronics, in order to switch from silicon-based to organic semiconductors, which are much more flexible and can be formulated in the form of inks; (ii) Metamaterials, which are artificial composite materials with extraordinary electromagnetic and acoustic properties; and (iii) Bioactive materials, which may serve as matrices to conduct tissue regeneration, and to support cell transplantation in implants by means of tissue engineering.

Cluster LAPHIA



Funded by the Excellence Initiative of the University of Bordeaux, LAPHIA (Laser and Photonics in Aquitaine) boosts research through collective site projects, drawing on the excellence of materials science and physics teams.

LAPHIA unites the academic community in three main areas:

  • Lasers and high energy physics
  • Photonics and materials
  • Innovative imaging


World Scientific



Rent2Search est la première plate-forme en Europe de location de matériel scientifique de pointe directement entre chercheurs, entrepreneurs, écoles supérieures et industriels. Collaborative, connectée et sécurisée, elle offre une nouvelle source de financement aux acteurs de la recherche, privée comme publique.

Bordeaux INP




 Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine Aquitaine Limousin Poitou-Charentes


 Aquitaine Science Transfert



 Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche



Bordeaux Metrople

Bordeaux Metropole offers each participant a tickarte valid for the JMC15 week in all trams and buses,
to go from your hotel to the JMC15 congress site and the various places of gathering during the social events of the JMC15 week.

City of Pessac

Ville de Pessac

Le Campus de l'Université, historiquement à Bordeaux sur l'axe Pey Berland - Pasteur - Victoire - Marne - Barbey s'est installé dans les année soixante dans le sud ouest de l'agglomération sur les sites de Talence (LOMA), Pessac (CRPP, LCPO, ICMCB) et Gradignan.




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