Dear Colleagues, From 27 to 31 August 2018, Grenoble holds the biennial conference, the “Journées de la Matière Condensée” (or "Condensed Matter Days" in English) organized by the Société Française de Physique. Extended call: We invite you to submit an abstract on your research to one of the mini-colloquia (thematic sessions) for an oral or a poster presentation. NEW DATE LIMIT: 26 April 2018 There are mini-colloquia in all the domains of condensed matter physics, the complete list is on the conference website: In the hope of seeing you at the next JMC in Grenoble. Olivier Sandre (President of the Condensed Matter Division of the SFP) Robert Whitney (President of the Grenoble organizing committee)
From the 27th au 31st August 2018, Grenoble will host the JMC (“Journées de la Matière Condensée”) conference of the French Physical Society (SFP). You are invited to send your proposal for a mini-colloquium (in English or French) until 31 October 2017 to:
Les quinzièmes Journées de la Matière Condensée se sont déroulées du 22 au 26 août. Summary of the JMC15 week on the SFP website
Hashtag des Journées de la Matière Condensée : #JMC15 Et page Facebook
To access the internet, we strongly recommend using the REAUMUR or EDUROAM network. Otherwise, IPB-JMC15 accounts can be used on both the REAUMUR wifi on wifi Bordeaux-INP: according to the peripherals, the configuration on one or other of wifi is easier. REAUMUR procedure: to connect, select the wireless network REAUMUR, open the browser, it is automatically redirected to a captive portal page: Connect and then select ".Conférences / Guests" and click the "Select" button. Enter the username and password above. Additional information: Please note, participants must allow pop-ups on their browser (at least for the field)
Tuesday 23 August , during the after lunch coffee, there will be the opening of the JMC15 Exhibition and the JMC15 poster session . All the young scientist will compete for the JMC15 poster prizes, funded by the Université de Bordeaux IDEX and by World Scientific. 3 round tables will finish the afternoon of JMC15 , from 17h to 18h Roundtable on Innovation ( Grand Amphi . ) Forum - debate : a quantum computer project in Bordeaux ( Amphi D . ) Roundtable on the scientific publishing ( Amphi . E) Then, to begin the evening, at the invitation of the Mayor of Pessac, a viewpoints is organized by the JMC15 and SFP Aquitaine, around the question " Can the condensed matter physics helps solve the energy problems facing our societies? " . This dialogue between experts, researchers and the public at the Médiathèque Jacques Ellul de Pessac be followed by a cocktail in the gardens of Camponnac. The full program of the end of this second day of the JMC15 is availaible on the dedicated page of, rubrique "Tables rondes -Forums"
A lunch buffet will greet you Monday noon, next to the recording desk. You can eat off the train, from 11:45 to 12:45
On Monday evening, a welcome cocktail, on the theme of the grape, will be served in one of the historic building of the University of Bordeaux, in the city center (place de la Victore, tram B). The Metropole of Bordeaux offers all congressists a tickarte for the week.
The JMC15 program is available online
Accepted contributions are online on
The Edison Volta 2016 Prize of European Physical Societyhas been attributed to Michel Orrit (Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden). He will be the invited speaker for the openin cermony of the JMC15 week in Bordeaux.
Registration are now open
Plenary and semi-plenary speakers list has been unveiled
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