JMC2018 à Grenoble : Call for contribution


Dear Colleagues,

From 27 to 31 August 2018, Grenoble holds the biennial conference, the “Journées de la Matière Condensée” (or "Condensed Matter Days" in English) organized by the Société Française de Physique.


Extended call: We invite you to submit an abstract on your research to one of the mini-colloquia (thematic sessions)

for an oral or a poster presentation.

NEW DATE LIMIT: 26 April 2018


There are mini-colloquia in all the domains of condensed matter physics, the complete list is on the conference website:


In the hope of seeing you at the next JMC in Grenoble.


Olivier Sandre (President of the Condensed Matter Division of the SFP)

Robert Whitney (President of the Grenoble organizing committee)

JMC2018, 16th edition in Grenoble

The 16th meeting of the Condensed Matter DIvision of the French Physical Society will take place in Grenoble trom the 27 to the 31 of august 2018

Pour couvrir les grands domaines actuels de la Matière Condensée, des conférences plénières et semi-plénières sont programmées.

Liste des orateurs pléniers :

  • Isabelle Cantat (IPR, Rennes) Films de savons
  • Sara Ducci Prix Ancel 2016 (LMPQ, Paris) Photons corrélés dans les semiconducteur
  • Silvano De Franceschi (INAC, Grenoble) Qubits et l’ingénierie quantique
  • Hamid Kellay (LOMA, Bordeaux) Turbulence et mécanique des fluides
  • Louis Taillefer (Sherbrooke, Canada) Supraconductivité à haute température
  • André Thiaville (LPS, Paris Sud) Magnétisme et Skyrmions

Prix Ancel 2017 : La lauréate ou le lauréat sera annoncé prochainement
Prix Holweck 2018 : La lauréate ou le lauréat sera annoncé en 2018


Liste des orateurs semi-pléniers :

  • Jacqueline Bloch (C2N, Paris Sud) Polaritons 
  • Virginie Chamard (Inst Fresnel, Marseille) diffraction cohérente des rayons X
  • Sophie Guéron (LPS, Paris Sud) Physique mésoscopique
  • Lionel Hirsch  (IMS, Bordeaux) Cellules solaires polymères
  • Guillaume Schull (IPCMS, Strasbourg) STM de molécules uniques
  • Maria Tchernycheva (Inst. Électronique Fondamentale, Paris Sud) nanofils semi-conducteurs 
  • Matthieu Wyart (EPFL, Lausanne) Théorie des solides amorphes et granulaire

General meeting or the French Physical Society

The next general meeting or the French Physical Society (SFP) will take place on the Campus d' Orsay à la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université Paris Sud, composante de l'Université Paris Saclay du 3 au 7 juillet 2017.


Call for minicolloquia JMC2018

Dear  colleagues,

From the 27th au 31st August 2018, Grenoble will host the JMC (“Journées de la Matière Condensée”) conference of the French Physical Society (SFP):

The 16th edition of JMC will host between 500 and 700 physicists, and will be the major event of French condensed matter physics in the coming year. JMC2018 will have 9 plenary and 15 semi-plenary lectures.  The largest and most important part of the program are nonetheless the mini-colloquia (Symposia or Topical Sessions), which gather specific scientific communities.

You are invited to propose a mini-colloquium in your domain of scientific interest.

Mini-colloquia resemble Focused Sessions at similar meetings, typically, with an introductory or overview talk on the subject, invited talks on major advances in the last two years, shorter contributed talks, and posters. The mini-colloquia at JMC2018 will comprise one or more time slots, each slot being composed of an oral session of total duration 3 hours. Talks from young scientists will be encouraged. A mini-colloquium at JMC2018 grants the occasion to organize a scientific meeting of the community, without the worry of logistic constraints. These will be taken care of by the local organisers of JMC2018. You may thus concentrate entirely on the Scientific Program.  A mini-colloquium should present a topic that is of sufficient interest, so as to gather between, say, a few dozen to over a hundred people. It is therefore very important to define a sufficiently broad theme, open to related topics as well as to worldwide activity in the field. A mini-colloquium can be proposed jointly by several organizers, but it is better if one person is in charge. Unfortunately, we offer no financial support for mini-colloquia (orators will pay registration fees and expenses) to keep the registration fees as low as possible for all participants.  A charter describing the mini-colloquia rules is available here (in French): Examples of the mini-colloquiums at the previous JMC conference can be found here.

You should send your proposal for a mini-colloquium (in English or French) until 31 October 2017 to:

The proposals will be refereed by the Program Committee of JMC2018and the bureau of the Condensed Matter Division that will contact you regarding acceptance in mid- to late- November 2017.

We are looking forward to meeting you next year in Grenoble.

Olivier Sandre (Chair of the Condensed Matter Division)

Clemens Winkelmann (Mini-colloquia organiser)

Robert Whitney (Chair of organization committee)



JMC15 poster prizes

The young researchers who authored the 8 best posters where awarded the JMC15 poster prizes funded by the IdEx of the Université de Bordeaux and the section Aquitaine de la SFP. They also receive books offered by World Scientific

They have been selected by a jury directed by Fabio Pistolesi (CNRS - Université de Bordeaux)

Friedel oscillations at the surfaces of rhombohedral N-layer graphene
Clément Dutreix
abstract : Prix poster JMC15
MQ7 Topological Properties of Matter : Insulators, Semi-metals, Quasicrystals and beyond


Existence of Chern numbers in the spectrum of quasicrystals: A structural interpretation
Eli Levy
abstract : Prix poster JMC15
MQ6 Topological properties of quasi crystalline structures


Polymer functionalization for the assembly of gold nanoparticles on 1D, 2D and 3D microstructures
ALI ISSA, Irene Izquierdo-Lorenzo, Joumana Toufaily, Fawaz Elomar, Safi Jradi
abstract : Prix poster JMC15
OS3 Caractérisation et modélisation des propriétés optiques des nanoparticles : avancées et perspectives


In-situ electron irradiation within a TEM: a way to study the stability and evolution of cavities in pure aluminium
Camille JACQUELIN, Estelle Meslin, Maylise Nastar, Chu-Chun Fu, Thomas Shuler
abstract : Prix poster JMC15
MP5 Surfaces d'alliages : structure et réactivité


Structure et Déformations dans les nanoparticules Pt-Ag : un effet d'alliage ou de ségrégation ?
Jérôme Pirart, Caroline Andreazza-Vignolle, Pascal Andreazza, Christine Mottet, Asseline Lemoine, Yves Garreau, Alessandro Coati
abstract : Prix poster JMC15
MP5 Surfaces d'alliages : structure et réactivité
Paramètres d'influence en nanométrologie thermique par microscopie à sonde locale
Eloïse Guen
abstract : Prix poster JMC15
PM1 NanoConduction et NanoRadiation
Mechanical coupling in gold nanoparticle dimers revealed by plasmon-enhanced ultra low frequency Raman spectroscopy
Adrien Girard, helène Gehan, Aurélien Crut, Lucien Saviot, Emanuel Cottancin, Christophe Bonnet, alexis Mosset, alain mermet, Jérémie Margueritat
abstract : Prix poster JMC15
PM2 Optomechanics: Exploring Physics from the macroscopic down to the nanometric scale
Thermodynamic analysis of the folding pathway of DNA self-assembled nanostructures
Clothilde Coilhac, Simona Torrengo, Didier Gasparutto, Olivier Bourgeois, Hervé Guillou
abstract : Prix poster JMC15
BP2 Recherches et développements technologiques à base d'ADN & ARN: Matériaux algorithmiques pour l'auto assemblage et l'auto organisation

Retour sur les JMC15

Les quinzièmes Journées de la Matière Condensée se sont déroulées du 22 au 26 août sur le campus rénové de l’Université de Bordeaux. Organisées par Virginie Ponsinet, Olivier Sandre, Nicolas Pénin, François Nadal, Gauvin Hemery et Simon Villain-Guillot avec une équipe de bénévoles, les JMC15 ont bénéficié du soutien du Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal (CRPP), du Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques (LCPO), du Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d’Aquitaine (LOMA), de l’IdEx de l’Université de Bordeaux, des LabEx AMADEus et LAPHIA, du CNRS, d’ACS Omega, du CEA, de Solvay, de Saint-Gobain, de la ville de Pessac et de la région Aquitaine.


Les 450 congressistes, venant de tous les coins de France mais aussi de 14 pays étrangers, ont été accueillis par Anne-Laure Bedu qui représentait la région Nouvelle Aquitaine, par le vice-président de la Société Française de Physique Alain Fontaine et par Etienne Duguet, directeur du LabEx AMADEus qui représentait l’Université de Bordeaux. Puis, Jérôme Plain, président de la division de la Matière Condensée, a ensuite présenté Michel Orrit (Huygens Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden), prix Edison Volta 2016 de l’EPS et premier orateur plénier de JMC15.



Le cœur de la semaine était constitué par les 30 mini-colloques regroupant 300 contributions orales, les 15 conférences semi plénières et les 9 conférences plénières dont celles de David Rodney (Université de Lyon 1), Prix Ancel 2015 de la SFP et de Zoran Hadzibabic (Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge), qui a reçu le prix Holweck 2016 de l’IOP et de la SFP des mains des présidents Roy Sambles (Institute Of Physics) et Michel Spiro (Société Française de Physique).

Roy Sambles - Zoran Hadzibabic - Michel Spiro

Conférence grand public sur l'Energie - crédit : Sud-Ouest 25 août 2016 


Les congressistes ont aussi participé à 3 tables rondes : sur l’innovation, l’évolution de l’édition scientifique et un projet decalculateur quantique. Un forum ouvert au grand public s’est tenu à la médiathèque de Pessac sur l’énergie, où il a été questions des matériaux d’isolation, de la séquestration du CO2 et du photovoltaïque. Enfin une exposition de stands et des présentations flash ont permis toute la semaine à 12 entreprises liées à la physique et l’instrumentation de se présenter aux chercheurs et aux étudiants sur le site même des JMC15.


D’autres moments d’échange ont été organisés en soirée toute la semaine, comme le cocktail de bienvenue dans le grand hall de l'Université situé dans le quartier étudiant de Bordeaux, le dîner croisière sur la Garonne par une belle soirée d’été et la soirée « poysters » qui clôturait les sessions posters et l’exposition JMC15.

Après la dernière conférence plénière donnée le vendredi midi par Luis Liz-Marzán  venu en voisin du CIC biomaGUNE de San Sebastian, Michel Spiro et Fabio Pistolesi, président du jury du concours JMC15 jeunes chercheuses/chercheurs, ont annoncé les 8 lauréats des prix posters offerts par l’IdEx de l’Université de Bordeaux, la section Aquitaine de la SFP et les éditions World Scientific. Puis Michel Spiro, président de la SFP, a convié tous les participants au Congrès Général qui se tiendra du 3 au 7 juillet 2017 à Orsay et aux JMC16 organisées à Grenoble en août 2018.


Article tiré du journal Sud-Ouest 23 aout 2016

La INSA banda

Holweck Medal and Prize is presented in France

The Holweck Medal and Prize of the French Physical Society and the IOP was presented to Professor Zoran Hadzibabic in Bordeaux, France on 25 August.
Holweck Medal and Prize is presented in France

The presentation was made by Professor Michel Spiro (pictured right), president of the French Physical Society, and Professor Roy Sambles, president of the IOP (left), during the JMC15 condensed matter conference.

At the event, Hadzibabic (centre) gave the 2016 Holweck Lecture, on quantum gas in a box. He received the award, announced in December 2015, for “his outstanding experimental achievements in the control of ultracold quantum degenerate gases”.

Holweck Medal and Prize is presented in France

The Holweck Medal and Prize is awarded jointly by the French Physical Society and the IOP for distinguished work in any aspect of physics that is ongoing or has been carried out in the preceding 10 years. It goes in odd-dated years to a physicist based in France and is presented in the UK or Ireland, and in even-dated years to a physicist based in the UK or Ireland and is presented in France.


Affiche JMC15

2016: Welcome to the 15th edition of the JMC-Condensed Matter Days!

  In 2016, the 15th JMC-Condensed Matter Days of the French Physical Society – JMC15  will take place on the campus of Bordeaux University. This conference of the French and European condensed matter physics communities is organized every other year under the auspices of the French Physical Society (SFP). It is the largest physics conference in France and one of the largest in Europe: the previous editions gathered 800 attendees in Montpellier (2012) and 1000 attendees in Paris (2014). The JMC15 will cover all domains of condensed matter physics: soft matter, physics of liquids, biophysics, materials science, quantum physics and simulations, low-temperature physics, quantum fluids, insulating and conducting materials, magnetism, physics of surfaces and interfaces, electronics, optics, acoustics, mechanical properties of materials, and disordered materials.

  We will host in Bordeaux around thirty minicolloquia covering the most important aspects of the physics of condensed matter. The minicolloquia will also be a good opportunity to discuss about the relation between research and society, in the fields of education, environment, valorization of resources, scientific popularization.

  The JMC15 are organized by the SFP, the French Physical Society. The JMC15 will take place from August 22 to 26, at the University of Bordeaux and at the Polytechnic Institute of Bordeaux (IPB).

Sincerely yours,

On behalf of the local organizing committee                        On behalf of the Condensed Matter Division
                                                                                                                   of the French Physical Society - SFP
           Simon Villain-Guillot,
           Gauvin Hémery                                                                                         Jérôme Plain
           Virginie Ponsinet,
           Nicolas Penin,
           Olivier Sandre,

logo accueil

Plenary and semi-plenary talks

During the JMC15, 8 plenary and 15 semi-plenary talks will represent the principal domains of Condensed Matter. These sessions are presented here.

Portrait gallery of speakers


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M Orrit

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Minicolloquia JMC15

The list of minicolloquia is now online and is available here.

The program is available on line.

Accepted contributions are online 

JMC Posters


Registrations to the JMC15 in Bordeaux are now open on azur-colloque.


Fees in €



SFP member
or member of a friend society (IOP, APS, DFG, EPS...) 


Exhibitor (booth) 


Attendee from industry 


Attendee from industry, SFP member 


Doctorate / Postdoctorate 


Teacher, Retiree 


Gala Dinner 



Please, be careful: YOU MUST GO to the end of the registration process and TO THE PAYMENT. It is impossible to connect again later to complete or to modify your registration data. Take all the necessary information and payment tools with you before beginning the registration process. Check on the information page.



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