Les Minicolloques JMC15 > Contributions JMC15
A Cooper pair in a one - atom contact between superconductors Cristian Urbina sciencesconf.org:jmc15:90331
Magnetic (and plasmonic) approaches to nanomedicine: from thermal cancer therapies to tissue engineering Claire Wilhelm sciencesconf.org:jmc15:111579
Quantum Gas in a Box Zoran Hadzibabic sciencesconf.org:jmc15:111775
Single Molecules and Nanoparticles as Optical Probes in Nanoscience Michel ORRIT sciencesconf.org:jmc15:111826
Nanotechnology for biophysics, from single molecules towards synthetic cells Cees Dekker sciencesconf.org:jmc15:111827
Assembly and Patterning of Anisotropic Nanoparticles L. M. Liz-Marzán sciencesconf.org:jmc15:111843
Prix Ancel 2015 David Rodney sciencesconf.org:jmc15:111915
Défauts, charges et excitons dans les nouveaux matériaux 2D: graphène et nitrure de bore François Ducastelle sciencesconf.org:jmc15:113921
Modéliser la matière condensée à différentes échelles de temps et d'espace David Rodney sciencesconf.org:jmc15:114548